It is quite an engaging and diverting trait of character. The attitude of mind it both represents and helps to bring about is too complicated for my brief analysis. In itself it is no more worthy of blame than the small boy's playing at @Indians in the back yard. It is also no more worthy of praise than a child's decoration with feathers. We are more concerned, though, with its results. Probably each of us has his mental picture that passes as a symbol rather than an idea of the different continents. This is usually a single picture -- a deep river, with a forest, hanging snaky vines, snakes, and monkeys for the east coast of South America, for example. It is built up in youth by chance reading and chance pictures. It serves us as well as a pink place on the map to stand for a part of the world about which we know nothing at all. As time goes on, we extend, expand, and modify this picture in the light of what knowledge we may gain. So the reading of many books modifies and expands our first crude notions of @Equatorial @Africa.